Monday, January 22, 2007

What's in the bag?

I believe that a persons life is controlled by fate and free will together. I believe that ultimately everyone has a final destination it is just a matter of how you get there. Everyday you make decisions that will effect the outcome of that day or the days to come. It is these decisions of free will that ultimately lead us to our fate. I don't exactly agree with the idea that no matter what you do you can not prevent you fate because you do not know your fate. If you know your fate then it would seem easy to avoid. This; however, is not the case and the everyday person doesn't know their future and their fate. How can you be sure that it was a person's fate that ultimately killed them? You can make an argument that it was their free will that lead them to death. That response raises questions from the other side. How do you know that no matter what the person had done they would not have died the same way? It is easy to make an argument from both sides and that is why I believe it is a mixture of the two. The free will of a person will lead to an ultimate fate.

1 comment:

Vladmir Brustashio said...

I actually was thinking the same thing about a person having the "free will" to chose fate and whatnot. good minds think alike, shawty